Friday, 10 February 2012

Graphics week 2, illustration!:)

Last week we worked on type and this week we worked on illustration on relation to my methaphor frozen in town!!

I was thinking of  memories and how they are frozen in time so I went a bit litural and began working with ice and  photographs by making experiments!

Again I was going with the same concept by freezing memories!

This was my finale piece for my illustration piece for the project, I felt as memories are frozen in time that a memory stick for a  camera would illustrate the metaphor as pictures are memories that are frozen in time!

This was the piece of type that I used for my finale piece its just letters placed in an ice cube box!

Friday, 3 February 2012

Graphics elective week one!!

Mind map!
We got the brief to the project on Monday and we were all told a metaphor that we had to work o mine was 'Frozen in Time'. We were then told to work on type for this week! We also had a photo shop class this week with Paul which was very helpful!


 After we did the mindmap we were told by Mary to do some illustrations of our ideas with quick thumbnail sketches!
here in the words below I just got huge bag of ice in dunnes and poured and created letters with it!

I wrote out the metaphor using ice!

 I was trying to think of the very literal sence of frozen in time by freezing a clock!

 Here I used spaghetti letters to use as a type for my metaphor!

 After freezing my clock there was a layer of ice covering the pot so I wrote out the metaphor on it to see the effect unfortunately it wasn't very good!

 I used the car screen which was frosted from the morning to  write out my metaphor!

Again I used the car doors roof etc to write out the metaphor!

Here is just a sewing piece I worked on writing out frozen but it didn't work very well as I put too much onto the letters were I should have just left it clean and clear!

 Ice cream!

Here are just some type that I have been playing with for my metaphor!!

 I used my sewing machine to create this!

Here are just some typeface fonts I was looking up!